What's This All About?

In my words and pictures you will see my life ~ the good days and the better days. (Are there any other type of days?) The title of this blog is inspired by my Late Aunt Lily who lived to see 100 years who always stated "if you don't use you'll lose it". This is all about how we use life to win (never lose) at it according to me!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ma, Mommy, Mom, Mama!!!!!

Ma, Mommy, Mama, Mom, Mommy, Mom, Ma, Mommy....Repeat... THIS WAS MY LAST POST IN MSY OF 2011, never posted, was in draft mode after reading it, I see/feel my pain and happiness....Ready to blog again, ENJOY!.

How many times do you think to yourself, "I wish this child would stop calling me"?  I think I got to the bottom as to why our children call our names so much...Because there is going to come a time, where they will call our names and we will not answer...

Mother's Day has come and gone.  This is such a bittersweet time because my Mom, the late great Glenda P. Boyd is now in Heaven.  She entered into eternal rest, Sunday, February 2, 2002.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about her.  Somedays,you can find me talking to myself, just saying Mommy, other days you may find me doubled over in emotional despair crying out for my Mommy.

I know everyone means well, when they do their best to reach out..."It gets better with time", "GOD never gives you more than you can bare", "You're so strong"  I KNOW that none of these people have gone through what I've gone through.  I also know that they want to do anything to take away my pain and despair. 

She chin-checked me without raising her voice
She gave me St. Patrick's Day cards and cooked corned beef and cabbage to celebrate our Irishness
She took the sides of others when it was right
She loved me despite me disappointing her
She never not said "I Love You"

I feel so selfish, in that it is hard to appreciate Mother's Day when I am blessed with my own child. 

Use It Moment"
Use the day to soak in the day with your child.  Do something extra special for the both of you.  Nemo and I planted flowers at the house for my Mom, Aunt Lily and Nala.  I love him so very much.  Even though he is a Daddy's Boy, I know he has a special place for me in his heart! 

He gave me the best Mother's Day Card:

He regifted his Valentine's Day gift and gave it to me:

He ended the night telling me that, what I thought was a semi-sexy Vera Wang cotton nightgown was a "nice Pirate outfit"

Lose It Moment
I have had the unfortunate experience of losing my Mother and there are some days that I am paralyzed by this feeling.  We were one.  She raised me as a single Mom, and I was her only child.

I woke up, drove myself over to ElmCity CrossFit, got a WOD in (was a little unfocused, hence, the bruised shins, I didn't realize it then, but my head was elsewhere...) went over to the City Seed Farmer's Market over at Edgewood Park and then came home to my wonderful son, who was riding his bike with the band hat from his Halloween costume and his puffy vest!

He opened up my car door, let me out and told me that he was going to make me breakfast!  (That quickly changed when I pulled out his pretzel from the Farmer's Market.  LOL!)

Lose that feeling of not wanting to hear the words Mom, Ma, Mommy...because for:
  • those children yound and old who can no longer call out for their Mom
  • those mothers who have lost their children
  • those mothers who time has not come yet.  As my friend stated in his Mother's Day Wish, " including those who desire to be mothers but whose dream has yet to be realized. Be patient and stay in good spirit."
they would want nothing more than say it one more time or once again hear their children's voices, or get that opportunity to be called those special names.

Father, GOD, thank you for allowing me to be the daughter of Glenda P. Boyd. 

Thank you for putting the mother roles in my life to help keep me...Nonnie, Mamacita, Pat, Mrs. Smith, and Yvonne to name a few.

Thank you for all of Nemo's Auntie's...Rhonda, Steph, Nat, Titi Ril, Titi Marinelly, Chan, Purty, Nic, Cheryl, Heather, Lisa, Tasha, Debbie,

To all of Auntie Thai's babies, that taught me how to be a Mom before I was a Mom, I love you.  You know I'm your favorite Auntie!!!!

Thank you even more for allowing me to give birth to my precious baby boy.  Eddie, Nemo, Junior, Bubba, Pops, Mikey, EJ, Little Ed, Coosaman, Papasan, Figurinha.  At the end of the day, he is my son and I am his Mom!