What's This All About?

In my words and pictures you will see my life ~ the good days and the better days. (Are there any other type of days?) The title of this blog is inspired by my Late Aunt Lily who lived to see 100 years who always stated "if you don't use you'll lose it". This is all about how we use life to win (never lose) at it according to me!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Throwback Thursdays - Don't Call it a Comeback...Again

Hi All, Due to popular demand, I thought that I would resurrect my Blog.  I will use this as a vehicle to post to FaceBook and share my continued, sometimes rambling thoughts, dreams, hopes, etc.  I hope you enjoy.  So happy to find my voice again, because as the saying goes.... "If you don't use it, you'll lose it."

First Post, totally a rewrite from my FB post, sorry lazy today!

Before there were the M&M'S there was you.... I couldn't figure out how my my heart could fit any more love because of how full I was of love with you. But then YOU showed me how to love more. The love, you, the Big "Bro"ski have for your sis and bro is undeniable and a bond I'm so proud of. I treasure our rare one on one moments. From our dance contest while waiting for the Doc, to your common sense advice to you explaining the troubles you were having with your "archenemies" as like the Superman and Lex Luther of school, to compliments about my hair, to encouraging my workout efforts to our beat box and rapping collabo's YOU made my heartbeat have meaning. I heart you to infinity TIMES infinity...

Me and My Nemo Spedeemo aka Big Broski aka Eddie!