What's This All About?

In my words and pictures you will see my life ~ the good days and the better days. (Are there any other type of days?) The title of this blog is inspired by my Late Aunt Lily who lived to see 100 years who always stated "if you don't use you'll lose it". This is all about how we use life to win (never lose) at it according to me!

Monday, March 21, 2011

1 Down 5 to Go!

As I mentioned in my initial post the 2011 CrossFit Games season is upon us http://games.crossfit.com/ !  It's hard not to get excited as the competitive spirit is getting athletes to perform some things that they have never done before!

The first WOD is as follows:
10 Mins (As Many Rounds as Possible) AMRAP
  • 30 Double-unders
  • 15 Power snatches (75lbs / 35kg)
Believe me it looks a lot easier than it is to perform!

  • An athlete completed their first double under. 

  • An athlete lifted 55lbs in a power snatch for the first time!
  • An athlete got past that little voice in their head that said "you can't" and "they did"!
See what is great is that as long as you did not scale the WOD every point counted!  So, if you had 9 minute 58 second double under fail and in the last two seconds you got one...You, my friend are on the Board!

Use It Moment:
My nerves had me all types of messed up from the night before.  In my head I knew that I hadn't trained like I did last year.  In my head I knew I was a year older.  In my head I knew I had three or so glasses of wine with my Capoeira Girls!  (ooops did I say that out loud?!)

So, I woke up Sunday morning (I started waking up at 4:45A and continued to wake up/go to sleep, wake up/go to sleep until Nemo finally got out of bed at 8:45A).  Then there was the question to eat or not to eat?!  I stopped at Starbucks, then went to 7-11 to get some hold over food.  As I walked out of 7-11, I realized my nerves had caught up with me and I began grinding my teeth!  Thank GOD I packed my dental guard.  Can I tell you that this is the best invention EVER?!?!  Popped it in, drove to ElmCity CrossFit (www.elmcitycrossfit.com) and began to warm up for my WOD!  After watching a team go before me, I knew this was not going to be easy. 

Then it was my turn, enter hair pins, black elastics, and head band.  It's GO time!  My Judge gave me the heads up as to where he wanted me to be points wise.  I honestly had NO CLUE where everyone else was as it relates to points!  Thanks Jon!  (His wife Bad A$$ is an amazing athlete and owes herself way more credit than she takes!  He's a great athlete as well)

I wanted to get 5 rounds but that 4th round of double unders took everything outta me!  It was like my hands weren't spinning the rope fast enough, my feet were too big tripping up the rope and I had no wind!  Dang it, I forgot to take a hit of the inhaler pre-WOD!  Long story short, after a few "no reps" I ended up with a score of 216.  That was 4 full rounds plus 30 double unders and 6 power snatches!  Do you want to know what that looks like when you are done?

I'm done!
Lose It Moment:
One of the best things about CrossFit and the competition is the drive to want your team mates to succeed!  This is when you lose the "all about me" attitude and think of others....I can honestly say that cheering on your team mates is JUST as EXCITING as competing yourself!  You hope that your words can get in their heads in a positive way to push them a little further.  Each and every athlete "showed up and showed out" today!  I am proud to say I am a CrossFitter.  Even prouder to say that I am an ElmCity CrossFitter.

Some spectating pics (all photos compliments of Danielle Smith-Jones and her baby girl!)  Danielle is another AMAZING athlete who came in day 1 and made her mark at ECC!  Let's get it Danielle, President of the ECC MILF Crew! 

80's Headbands are ok, as long as they are Lululemon (so I try to convince myself!)  Me and Danielle :-)

The sweaty bib and pit look is super hottttt!  I guess Danielle's little girl thought her Mom's pose was too provocative for the camera!  She is supposed to be in this pic too!
So, bring on WODS 2-5, I'm ready (as long as it's not pull ups, push ups, hand stand push ups, pistols or weighted anything!)  Other than that, I'm ready!  LOL!

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