So CF Open WOD #3 is done.
This WOD was pretty straight and to the point. The weight however was heavy. The WOD was 5 minutes, AMRAP 110# Squat Clean and Jerk.
Going into this WOD, I felt a lot better than I did the week prior. In CrossFit I generally don't have a problem lifting heavy things. But this WOD would be a test of both strength and endurance. My goal was simply to get 20 rounds after I saw what others were getting, I felt as though that number would be a challenge yet manageable. I felt even more confident after going through the prep WOD, Thursday night with Coach Wheels. (Sidenote: He has done a fabulous job of getting us ready for the movements for the upcoming WOD's without taxing our bodies!)
So, Saturday morning, I went in, ready to go....After watching the video (thanks Shirley, it's ok that most of the video is in 4 second increments, because you forgot you were doing video vs. camera, it helped me critique my movements better! Thanks!), I realized how anxious I was from the beginning.
One of the things that is great about CrossFit, is that it is not a SPECIALIST sport. The whole concept centers around the activities being constantly varied. So far, the CF Open WOD's have played to that. Last week was a body weight WOD (which I suck at tremendously). Push ups do not come easy to me at all! So, this week, I used what I knew I had and kept at it to achieve and surpass my goal of 20 rounds. By the time it was all said and done, I got 23 rounds!!!! Is that going to get me to California, no?! But based on the year that I have had, it was the personal Ego boost that I needed. And yes, I too have a big ego (TFAD)....
So, as I mentioned earlier, I knew going in that I wanted 20 rounds. So, I spent a lot of time doing the math. (What can I say, math, like push ups and so many other things is not a strong suit of mine!) I decided I was going to pace myself and get 1 set (a clean and a jerk) every 15 seconds and I would be so in! As I stepped to the bar, I listened to my Judge "Baby Mark" who reminded me that I was strong, relax and just GO! He told me I was going to get tired anyway, so just go and do what I can. So I listened and totally LOST my original plan. In the first minute, I surprised myself on how many sets I got. And he was right I was exhausted in the last minutes as evidenced by the video below. But, I finished and I made sure each rep counted! Thanks Coach Baby Mark!
Once again, shout out to all athletes who engaged BEAST mode and just KILLED it! Whether you are a general heavy lifter, or this was a new PR for you, Congrats!
On to WOD#4, enough to humble us all!
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