What's This All About?

In my words and pictures you will see my life ~ the good days and the better days. (Are there any other type of days?) The title of this blog is inspired by my Late Aunt Lily who lived to see 100 years who always stated "if you don't use you'll lose it". This is all about how we use life to win (never lose) at it according to me!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Clean Jerks

So CF Open WOD #3 is done. 

This WOD was pretty straight and to the point.  The weight however was heavy.  The WOD was 5 minutes, AMRAP 110# Squat Clean and Jerk. 

Going into this WOD, I felt a lot better than I did the week prior.  In CrossFit I generally don't have a problem lifting heavy things.  But this WOD would be a test of both strength and endurance.  My goal was simply to get 20 rounds after I saw what others were getting, I felt as though that number would be a challenge yet manageable.  I felt even more confident after going through the prep WOD, Thursday night with Coach Wheels.  (Sidenote:  He has done a fabulous job of getting us ready for the movements for the upcoming WOD's without taxing our bodies!)

So, Saturday morning, I went in, ready to go....After watching the video (thanks Shirley, it's ok that most of the video is in 4 second increments, because you forgot you were doing video vs. camera, it helped me critique my movements better!  Thanks!), I realized how anxious I was from the beginning.

One of the things that is great about CrossFit, is that it is not a SPECIALIST sport.  The whole concept centers around the activities being constantly varied.  So far, the CF Open WOD's have played to that.  Last week was a body weight WOD (which I suck at tremendously).  Push ups do not come easy to me at all!  So, this week, I used what I knew I had and kept at it to achieve and surpass my goal of 20 rounds.  By the time it was all said and done, I got 23 rounds!!!!  Is that going to get me to California, no?!  But based on the year that I have had, it was the personal Ego boost that I needed.  And yes, I too have a big ego (TFAD)....

So, as I mentioned earlier, I knew going in that I wanted 20 rounds.  So, I spent a lot of time doing the math.  (What can I say, math, like push ups and so many other things is not a strong suit of mine!)  I decided I was going to pace myself and get 1 set (a clean and a jerk) every 15 seconds and I would be so in!  As I stepped to the bar, I listened to my Judge "Baby Mark" who reminded me that I was strong, relax and just GO!  He told me I was going to get tired anyway, so just go and do what I can.  So I listened and totally LOST my original plan.  In the first minute, I surprised myself on how many sets I got.  And he was right I was exhausted in the last minutes as evidenced by the video below.  But, I finished and I made sure each rep counted!  Thanks Coach Baby Mark! 

Once again, shout out to all athletes who engaged BEAST mode and just KILLED it!  Whether you are a general heavy lifter, or this was a new PR for you, Congrats!

On to WOD#4, enough to humble us all! 

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