What's This All About?

In my words and pictures you will see my life ~ the good days and the better days. (Are there any other type of days?) The title of this blog is inspired by my Late Aunt Lily who lived to see 100 years who always stated "if you don't use you'll lose it". This is all about how we use life to win (never lose) at it according to me!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Need a Doctor...

Stop!  Watch this video, make sure to listen to the lyrics....

If you are like me, and you are a fan of hip hop, you had to stop again, watch the video and listen again!

Yeah, I think know what you're thinking...
  1. the song is a bit vulgar (sorry to those who are offended), or
  2. the beat is bananas (should we be surprised), or
  3. I need to go cop that Eminem CD (which I strongly encourage if you haven't already), or
  4. dang Dr. Dre is getting all cock diesel (I got to stay on my grind...), or
  5. who is that girl in the hook, when is her solo CD coming out (I'm impressed by her body of work http://www.skylargreymusic.com/), or
  6. this is REAL hip hop (TFAD), or
  7. Thais get to your point!
I love hip hop, I will address how hip hop has shaped my life another day....

But this is a song, that leaves a defining impact on you whether you are a hip hop head or a country junkie...It's a song about reaching back to those who have brought us forward...

The song is basically the story of how Eminem is now encouraging the hip hop legendary Producer, Artist, Writer and Engineer Dr. Dre to come back out with the work that his fans love and adore. 

Em references the support Dre provided...

"all I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breathing life in me
I owe my life to you
but for the life of me, I don't see why you don't see like I do
but it just dawned on me you lost a son
demons fighting you, it's dark.
let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you
I don't think you realize what you mean to me
not the slightest clue
'Cause me and you were like a crew
I was like your sidekick
you gon either wanna fight me when I get off this f#$%ing mic
or you gon hug me
But I'm out of options, there's nothing else I can do"

Crazy, but this makes me think of my Grandmother , affectionately known as "Nonnie"....She raised my Mom as a single Mother and my Mom raised me as a single Mom.  We were a tight crew.  She was, and still is, an integral part of the "village" that raised me.  I have fond memories of Girl Scouts, being active in our respective Episcopal Churches, shopping, baking, and crafts. 

Hey Beautiful!  Now it's my turn...  Love You Nonnie xoxoxoxo!

But since my Mom passed away, her light doesn't shine as bright.  Roles have become reversed and that has been a difficult process.  She took on the lions share of being a caregiver to two family members, when she herself needed help.  Now, that it is time for her to receive care, it is difficult.  She still sees me as a 6 yr old little girl.  So, the "adult" conversations are hard to come by.  The information flow is cryptic at best. 

She is incapable in so many ways of doing the things that she once did that I can tell her spirit is broken, she seems defeated.  I can't imagine the pain that she has gone through in losing her best friend, her only child, my Mom.  I just hope that through Nemo and I she comes back!  My sincere hope is that she can continue to embrace her as Great Grandmother to Nemo Spedeemo (that part comes easy) and accept me in my role in trying to help save her in her elder years (not so easy)!  Nonnie, I love you, big hugs and kisses (note, anyone that has been hugged by Nonnie questions whether or not she was a wrestler in her past life.  She hugs you so tight it's a mini workout, but that is how much love is within every square inch of her body)....

He speaks of the sacrifices that Dre made for him:

"it was you who believed in me
when everyone was telling you don't sign me
Everyone at the f#$%ing label
let's tell the truth you risked your career for me
I know it as well as you

nobody wanted to f#$k with the white boy"

Can you think of anyone that put their necks on the line for you?  Someone who did everything that they could to see you "come up"? 

For me personally, I think of one of my bosses. 

There was a point in my career when I had to battle a company I was working for due to disparaging remarks one of the Executives, my direct boss at the time made about my race.  As one of few minorities in the Corporate world I was the David and the Company was the Goliath.  All of my Executive "friends" were protecting the Company and not doing what was right by me (SURPRISE!)  But there was one person.  One person who recognized what was wrong and stood  up with me, my boss. 

By the time I left the organization, I had a different outlook on life.  My Mom had just passed away (TFAD)  and I got this attitude that "NOTHING is really that important to stress you out"  "At the end of the day, none of it is really all that serious".  I took some time off from the job search and just focused on "getting my mind right".  During my "downtime", that ONE person checked on me often.  He encouraged me from the sidelines and reminded me of my value to any organization. 

I am fortunate enough to work with him again.  He is a successful buisnessman, but more importantly, he is a mentor.  He makes it a point to to stop what he does and recognize hard work and stresses the importance of a good work life balance.  I still laugh about the 10:30P phone call I received from him when Nemo was an infant with an ear infection and he called to tell me in his gritty voice to "be careful to make sure that he doesn't go deaf!"  As rough and rugged as it was, I knew and I always know it comes from a good place.  He loves his hometown, he loves his Christ, and these are but a few of the reasons I love him! 


I can go on for days naming my mentors, Geneva "Mamacita" Black in Philly (TFAD), Aunt Lily (TFAD), Mr. Charles Williams and Mrs. Regina Warner (TFAD), Fr. Overton Gilkes and Fr. Victor Rogers (TFAD), Mrs. Pam Kelley and Mrs. Virginia Brooks (TFAD), Coach Esposito (TFAD), My Uncle Raymond H. Paige, Jr. (TFAD), Mrs. Audrey Y. Smith (TFAD), Ashanti "Perry" & Dung Williams(TFAD), Mrs. Karen. Fleming (TFAD), my Love my Mom...but these are just a few....


Lose your selfishness.  Stop thinking about all of the things that you have going on with you.  Now that your mentors have helped you get to a certain phase in your life, what are you doing to reach back, reach next to or continue to reach up to them.  How about a simple note, phone call or better yet, just some time with them to express your gratitude, and remind them that they are STILL invaluable to you!  At some point in their lives they stopped their lives to help you, now it's your turn to return the favor! 


  1. I must say (in my deepest man voice Ti) this is touching, you also have the will and determination to weather any storm and my hat goes off to you, you are so well grounded! Love you like a sista (even tho i don't see my brother and godson on a regular)my love neverless is here) for ya'll!

  2. Thanks so much! I know you see a lot of what's going on through FB, but there's nothing like the present. Feel free to (give me a little notice) and come get Nemo! He is so much more fun now and his coversations are hysterical at the very least! Thanks for your kind words, they mean a great deal! Luv ya back! Like a fat kid loves cake!
